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Could this Simple Practice be the Answer to Your Health Problems?

Feeling grateful is more than a nice feeling. The more you feel grateful, the luckier you feel and the happier you are. You’re less stressed …

Should You Eat Organic?

Is food causing your symptoms or could it be something else?? Did you know that many ‘fresh’ foods are sprayed in chemicals to preserve the …

Corporate Diagnostic Health Screening with Health 4 U

Promoting Workplace Wellbeing: The Irish Perspective

Workplace wellbeing is becoming a critical focus for employers worldwide, and Ireland is no exception. Recognising the significant impact of employee health on overall business …

Is Your IBS Driving You Crazy?

Bloating, gassy, cramps, heavy, uncomfortable? One minute you can’t go to the loo and the next minute you can’t get off it? The likely cause …

Celebrate Your Victories, Not Just the Numbers

Have you ever heard of Non Scale Victories? It’s often shortened to NSV. You’ll find a lot of talk about this if you hang out …

Genetic Functional Testing

Want to know what has been my success??!! And I mean True success, I feel like how I did in my 20’s! Are you wondering …

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